Saturday, April 30, 2005

PhotoFriday: FANCY

I had plenty of ideas but little opportunity to carry them out for this week's PhotoFriday challenge (fancy), so I ended up taking a photo of a guitar I altered last year that now hangs on my wall at home.

It looks pretty fancy I reckon...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

PhotoFriday: SOFT

How ironic of me to find out about PhotoFriday the week when "soft" is the topic! A skywatcher from way back, I love taking photos of clouds that appeal to me, and especially ones that I can see pictures in.

This one is especially appropriate for the theme, because there is a soft little baby in the clouds...

Sunday, April 24, 2005

illustrationfriday: DARING

I couldn't resist making it a topical one this week. It was a bit of fun thinking about from what angle to attack this one...a lot easier than last week's for me.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

illustrationfriday: REINVENT

I had a real hard time getting inspiration for this topic, so I decided to incorporate the word into it. It's funny though, because since I finished it I've had another idea which I may or may not go with too.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

illustrationfriday: ALONE

Just a simple first-up because I've wanted to do one for Illustration Friday for a while now but have been too this was a very simple Photoshop efffort...he looks rather alone, don't you think?