Monday, June 27, 2005

illustrationfriday: HEROES

Last year I hosted an Artist Trading Card swap entitled "if I was a superhero" that had quite a few international participants. I wanted mine to all be drawn for this swap, so it fits in perfectly with this week's topic for IllustrationFriday. If you click on the pics and get the actual size, they are BIG pics, so you'll be able to read them and have a bit of a laugh...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

PhotoFriday: NERDY

This tree is in our front yard, and I really do have a thing for trees...I LOVE TREES!

Many people have thought my love of trees is a little weird, so maybe I'm nerdy...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

illustrationfriday: DIGITAL

I got onto this week's challenge early, and am really quite happy with it. Still haven't got a scanner so had to photograph again, and because it is only a pencil drawing I needed to adjust the levels in photoshop, which gave it the greenish background colour, but I still think it looks ok.

Oh, and in case you cannot see the link to the topic, maybe it would be easier if you think of the topic as 'digit-al'.

Any critiques appreciated...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

PhotoFriday: RARE

The things that went through my head when I saw the topic this week...I thought I could go and take pictures of all sorts of rare things, old, collectibles, you name it. And then I saw my wife doing the dishes and I asked her to look at me and smile, and she did.

Now, this is a RARE picture - my wife at the sink with a smile on her face!

illustrationfriday: ENVY (late) is late coming, but that is because I work and do not have an operating scanner at the moment.

This hasn't exactly transferred well from me photographing it, but if you click on it for the full size you might be able to read the t-shirts, which add to the meaning of the drawing a little more. It's like a bit of a sarcastic comment because they are both wearing shirts about love and the big guy's says "love each other and don't judge", and the little guy is envious of his t-shirt.

It took me a long time to 'find' this image with my artistic muse, and I'm not really that happy with it, but sometimes you get that...