Lefty Scribble
The musings and ramblings of a wannabe artist...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
illustrationfriday: NOURISHMENT
This week's Illustration Friday topic gave me two bouts of inspiration! Not only was I motivated to actually sit down with my son tonight to do some drawing, but I also, for the first time in forever-and-a-day, got my pencils out. It's funny in this day and age how we have pens, markers, textas, paints, and anything else you can think of to create imagery, and oh so often the good ol' pencils get left out in the dark...
Anyway, you can see that my drawing skills aren't the greatest, but I still like having a bit of fun.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
PhotoFriday: ACTION
This has been one of my favourite photos I've taken for quite a long time now.
I cannot even remember when it was, but I think it was 1999 or 2000, and the band was The Dog and they were playing in a St Kilda hotel, just south of the CBD of Melbourne. It was a 3-piece band and Fatty (that was what the drummer, who had an unpronouncable Greek name, was called) was by far my favourite person. Anyway, I hated using the flash when I was taking live music shots and this night was particularly dark in whatever pub it was (I can remember where it was, but not its name) so I needed to keep the shutter open longer in order to get something acceptable. It's still one of my favourites.
Alas, I have a scanner that isn't working properly at the moment, so I had to actually photograph the photo for this entry...grrrr...so if you click on it to see the full-size image you might notice it is pretty blurry.
illustrationfriday: MISCHIEF
ahhh, how many different options there were to meet this challenge. Mischief can take many different forms. I suppose my end result wasn't the best or the funniest option, but I'm really happy with the way it turned out.
I sketched it with pencil, highlighted it with gel pens, and then photographed it to upload.